Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Story Time!

One of my favourite things, now that Chicken Little is almost 3, is story time before bed. When she was younger she would enjoy looking at her books with us, but didn't yet have the patients to sit through a whole story. Now she will quite happily sit through 3 or 4....or 5 or 6 stories.

The first book she fell in love with was Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss. Such a classic, the copy she has actually belonged to the Rooster when he was little. Enough said. 

Then came her Donaldson phase, The Gruffalo, Tiddler and What the Ladybird Heard - oh lordy, the imagination of this woman!

Next we moved onto Oliver Jeffers's How to Catch a Star and Lost and Found. SUCH beautiful, evocative

At the moment her favourite book is Angelina's Invitation to the Ballet. She received this for her 2nd birthday, but we only really discovered it again recently. She loves the fact that this book is full of pull-out letters, invitations and tickets to the ballet.

Looking forward to what comes next!

P.S. Chicken Little just came in and spotted this post, she was beside herself with excitement and shrieked "What did you make for me mummy?!"